Articles and News about Mobile Development and Software Development in general, by Prajeet Shrestha
  • Day 1 - Essential Developer

    Today, I enrolled in the Essential Developer program! I've wanted to join this program for a long time to sharpen my knowledge base, and I'm thrilled to finally be part of it.

    Being from Nepal, it was quite a challenge to enroll due to two main reasons:

  • Focus on custom UI element on tvOS

    Working with prebuilt SwiftUI element like button and image in tvOS is easy but when it comes to customization, it can be a bit tricky. In this article, we will focus on how to customize the focus on custom UI elements in tvOS.

  • Custom Button tvOS

    Customization of buttons in tvOS is done through buttonStyles view modifier and implementing ButtonStyle protocol.

    ButtonStyle is a protocol that defines type that applies standard interaction behavior and a custom appearance to all buttons within a view hierarchy.

  • Setting Up Node And Mongodb On Mac

    Setting up NodeJs

    Setting up NodeJs is pretty straight forward in mac.

    Download the installer for your respective device here and after running the installer. Go to terminal and check the installed version of the node.
    node -v